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Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Flatline is about humans letting computers taking over the world and in the proces of doing so people begin to feel unimportant. Like life on earth is meaningless. So they attempt to destroy the AI and try to take back control of their lives. The role of the AI in Flatline is technically good. It does everything that needs to be done efficiently and with no error. It took things that took hours or days seconds to complete, but thats what made it bad. People were beginning to lose meaning in their life. They had no sense of self pride or accomplishment they wandered around aimlessly as the AI did everything for them. So they hatch a plan to destroy it. They plant a virus in the AI and hope it spreads causing the system to melt down. It worked for 20mins then the AI caught what was going on and shut it down immediately. I don't believe this is an accurate prediction of AI. People wouldn't allow something as drastic as this to happen. To allow a computer to make every decision for the human population is absurd and would never be allowed by competent human beings.

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