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Monday, January 10, 2011

Cyber Crime Blog #1

What are values? List your top values?
 Values are the things that mean the most to you in your life. My top values are Education, without education there is no point in life. Once you stop learning then you are dead. My family, they have always been there for me and we are an extremely tight group. Then the last thing is Environment, not just the earths environment but also the environment you put yourself in as a person. I always try to stay in a friendly, not dangerous environment.

In the values shuffle, were you tempted to go to a side you did not really agree with? Why could it be hard to stand up for your values (Use Peer pressure and hypocrisy) in you answer.

No, I could care less how other people feel about my values. I don't judge there life decisions so they shouldn't pass judgment on mine.

What are morals? Do values and ethics always match? What are the consequences of immoral behavior (not religion).

Morals are somewhat like the unwritten code you live by. What is right to you, how you hold yourself as a person. No values and ethics do not always match in fact they constantly conflict with each other. Those are the toughest decisions to make should I do the thing everyone else would think is right, or what I believe is right? The consequence of immoral behavior is judgment from other people and maybe even lack of self esteem towards yourself cause if you went against your morals your not doing what you feel is right and it will haunt you forever.